I opened the what-so-called little notebooks of mine. They are colored red, neon green and violet. I always put them anywhere. It is too bad that I have thrown away the first notebook that I have. All I know in there that I also write many things there than those three notebooks of mine. That notebook was for one month starting off the time, one week before class.
On the red notebook, I put about my what-to-do things. But my only entry that I made was for the 4th of January this year. I've written here that I want to go to SM and buy a Korean dictionary. And I did it. The dictionary costs about Php 145.00. Its a pocket Korean dictionary and it has, inside it, travel and facts about Korea as well as some of their values. I have also written down here about what I want to watch and mentions that I want to watch some episodes of Beethoven Virus.
As I turned up another page in my little notebooks, I found pages of character role-playing. It was scheme by me and also the friend of mine. This is the first and the last time that we do this. We write those things, the characters of anime and beside it are the names of our classmates who we find very capable of playing those characters. The anime that we chose was Naruto. Naruto was very popular in our classroom. Our classmates likes the characters particularly Ichiha, Sasuke, Sakura, Orochimaru and most of all, Naruto. Anime lovers in our classroom has lots of anime pictures. They always collect them. Some they put it on their friendsters, making it their wallpapers or primary photos. Others are downloading anime tunes and videos. They are ultimately anime lovers really. Hey, they do know how to draw animes. How did I know? One time, I made a survey to them. They know how to draw animes and sometimes they compete with each other. They also like to go to Japan. We cast the lead, Naruto to a good guy, the cool classmate to Sasuke and the villain, Orichimaru, to the bad guy of our class. Because Naruto has lots of characters, we decided that we also add some of our teachers and other batchmates.
On the second notebook, the neon green one, I came upon a page to which it was written by me and a friend of mine. We write on those pages what is the meaning of Cebu and what is Love and Hope. It was kind of fun what is his meaning of Cebu. During that time, after we wrote the meaning of Cebu, I decide to ask our other classmates which has the best meaning for Cebu.
He put Courtesy, Etiquette, Beautiful, Universe.
Mine, Courteous, Entertaining, Beautiful, Ubiquitous.
Lastly, on the violet notebook, I wrote a lot of some plans that I want to make. These plans are the projects that I want to finish so that it would not be time-wasting, I can do more and finish all of them. By the time that I will signed my clearance to the teachers, it would be easier and smooth sailing. There are also this projects that needs what-so-called "Group Effort" and since they put me as a leader, I list all of them. I judge their "performances" and their "contributions" to the projects.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Cyborg Girl (She)

I find the movie interesting. The plot tells about a man named Jiro who met a beautiful woman in his birthday in a department store. But just after, they separated ways. One year later on his birthday, Jiro met the woman again who introduces herself to be a cyborg and her purpose is to save him from being crippled on the day of his birthday when a man randomly shoots everyone and tries to burn the whole restaurant and also for the future to save him from earthquake in Tokyo. She was sent by the future Jiro. As the girl helps Jiro alot, Jiro slowly develops for her. What will happen then?
Again, the movie is quite interesting and worth watching. It is bit funny and romantic. It is light drama really. I can understand it well and it is not boring though. The sounds were fine.
The story starts with narration of the lead guy who remembered someone who celebrated his birthday with him. The ending, you have to see so that you will know. No Spoiling!!!
Here's the trailer:
cybord she,
cyborg girl,
haruka ayase,
kwak jae-young
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
What a Thrilling Day!
Yesterday, it was the opening of our school's Intramurals. Just like many Intramurals that I have joined on my previous school, there are still parades, confetti, beautiful girls who are vying for the title Ms. Intrams 2009 and of course, cheer dance. Unlike cheerdances on my previous school, this is just a presentation. The song that we used was only Jai Ho. The steps were hard to be to learn but you may find it easy once you already master it.
Today, I awaked early because I want to go to school early since there is Track and Field game. Our P.E. teacher told us that we should attend Intramural games with her signature. It is a requirement in P.E. though. When I reached onto the school, I go immediately to an E-Load Shop and there bought an e-load for my cellphone. I call onto my friends and asks them where are they? Well, they are still at home and they are wondering why I am at school already. I answer simply to watch more games. After I talk to my friends, I go to the Track and Field game area to watch this. But later on, I went back to the canteen and eat. Afterwhich, go back to the game area and watch the game. Later, my friend came and I called her. We watched the game together. Soon, after the game finished, my other friends came and we go to canteen together and ate our lunch.
In the afternoons, we watched basketball game where our other calssmaates came. The gym of our school has two areas/wings. When we saw that the ones playing for volleyball on the opposite area were in College of Allied Medical Sciences, we decided to watch them and as always cheer them as to say we give our moral support.
It was fun really when we watch the volleyball game and thrilling one. At the first set of the game, our CAMS Volleyball team had won. On the second set, the teams changed courts but the team lost the set. On the third set, it is very intense really. At the first half of the set our team was always passed by the opponent with about 2-3 points aheaad. We always keep on shouting and cheering our team. We don't really have any cheering stuffs like banners or balloons. We just only shout. On the second half, there was again a change of court. The opposite team got almost a lead of 1 or 2. points. When the game starts, it was thrilling once again. Everyone shouts and give moral supports. Our team leads against the other team. And when our team reaches 24, everyone in our department were every excited and even make a one symbol. Intensity... and when the team make another one point, everyone in CAMS stood up and clapping. They were even shouting. Oh yeah..., what a thrilling day, is it?
Today, I awaked early because I want to go to school early since there is Track and Field game. Our P.E. teacher told us that we should attend Intramural games with her signature. It is a requirement in P.E. though. When I reached onto the school, I go immediately to an E-Load Shop and there bought an e-load for my cellphone. I call onto my friends and asks them where are they? Well, they are still at home and they are wondering why I am at school already. I answer simply to watch more games. After I talk to my friends, I go to the Track and Field game area to watch this. But later on, I went back to the canteen and eat. Afterwhich, go back to the game area and watch the game. Later, my friend came and I called her. We watched the game together. Soon, after the game finished, my other friends came and we go to canteen together and ate our lunch.
In the afternoons, we watched basketball game where our other calssmaates came. The gym of our school has two areas/wings. When we saw that the ones playing for volleyball on the opposite area were in College of Allied Medical Sciences, we decided to watch them and as always cheer them as to say we give our moral support.
It was fun really when we watch the volleyball game and thrilling one. At the first set of the game, our CAMS Volleyball team had won. On the second set, the teams changed courts but the team lost the set. On the third set, it is very intense really. At the first half of the set our team was always passed by the opponent with about 2-3 points aheaad. We always keep on shouting and cheering our team. We don't really have any cheering stuffs like banners or balloons. We just only shout. On the second half, there was again a change of court. The opposite team got almost a lead of 1 or 2. points. When the game starts, it was thrilling once again. Everyone shouts and give moral supports. Our team leads against the other team. And when our team reaches 24, everyone in our department were every excited and even make a one symbol. Intensity... and when the team make another one point, everyone in CAMS stood up and clapping. They were even shouting. Oh yeah..., what a thrilling day, is it?
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
See you after School

-credits to dramacrazy.net
A while ago, I watched this funny movie because I want to take a break from watching drama series from Korea and Taiwan. I find this movie to be funny and enjoyable. The lead guy is suit to this one. He tries everything to avoid fighting the thug in the rooftop after school. But then, he constantly fails because of circumstances. Unknowingly, he became popular in his class and earn respect from others even from bullies.
So please try to watch it and see!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Radical Change
I remember a friend of mine way back High School, who was teased by my classmates... And expectantly, he would not rather let them teases him or let them be without fighting them back. He is a person, full of himself. He is a classmate who is full of ideas yet some weren't not done. He is a friend whom you can rely on yet he thinks of himself that he is right and blames you on everything even in your life. He is much cooperative but when he was tease, his mood swings.
During our Prom, 2 years ago, he received a special award. Indeed, you are right, it is called "Radical Change" Radical Change? Radical Change? It is not that he is charming that night but he is differ during that night. He is silent and way far behind the person at school. So, he got an award. It is mysterious, I think.
If we take a look at the word, break it down and give a meaning, we have the words "RADICAL" and "CHANGE". Radical, in dictionary means Extreme while Change, in dictionary, has lots of meaning and one of which is to be altered or to undergo variation. So Radical Change means Extreme Altered or Extreme undergo of variation.
After the prom, my friend came back to what he is. He was back to what he is, aforementioned above. So to speak, the magic just works only in one night. Its Cinderella-ish. Co-incidentally the venue of the prom is Waterfront Hotel (a castle-like hotel in whole Cebu).
Anyway, my friend is just an example. For me, Change should not always be radical for one day but rather change should be long term and progressing and wholeheartedly. There is no need to rush yourself to change. Don't pressure yourself to change for it always takes time. Change just takes about days, weeks, months and even years depending how much the person is willing to change whether to good or bad. But first of all, we all need reason or with reasons to change. For without reasons, what is your purpose to change. It would be your inspiration to strive to change yourself.
In the case of my friend, he really tries to change. But often, he always gets tempted not to do it. Change with purpose and willingness needs as well as your own determination to change.If your determined enough to change, it will come soon. You will just be determined and patient to wait so that you could see the fruit of your own labor. It will be payed off.
Change does not need to be scheduled really. For example, you want to start changing yourself, tomorrow or in the New Year's Day. Why not start to change today? With just simple words and actions, you can do it. It is your stepping stone. Sometimes, scheduling yourself to change is you may either forget it or postpone it. That's what it is.
In the end, Change all-in-all is on the human characteristics. A person need to know thyself first and self-capacity to change. By knowing ourselves first closely, we could know what needs to be change in ourselves and try to know our capacity and limitations. In this way, we can make an everlasting change in ourselves and make it better day by day.
During our Prom, 2 years ago, he received a special award. Indeed, you are right, it is called "Radical Change" Radical Change? Radical Change? It is not that he is charming that night but he is differ during that night. He is silent and way far behind the person at school. So, he got an award. It is mysterious, I think.
If we take a look at the word, break it down and give a meaning, we have the words "RADICAL" and "CHANGE". Radical, in dictionary means Extreme while Change, in dictionary, has lots of meaning and one of which is to be altered or to undergo variation. So Radical Change means Extreme Altered or Extreme undergo of variation.
After the prom, my friend came back to what he is. He was back to what he is, aforementioned above. So to speak, the magic just works only in one night. Its Cinderella-ish. Co-incidentally the venue of the prom is Waterfront Hotel (a castle-like hotel in whole Cebu).
Anyway, my friend is just an example. For me, Change should not always be radical for one day but rather change should be long term and progressing and wholeheartedly. There is no need to rush yourself to change. Don't pressure yourself to change for it always takes time. Change just takes about days, weeks, months and even years depending how much the person is willing to change whether to good or bad. But first of all, we all need reason or with reasons to change. For without reasons, what is your purpose to change. It would be your inspiration to strive to change yourself.
In the case of my friend, he really tries to change. But often, he always gets tempted not to do it. Change with purpose and willingness needs as well as your own determination to change.If your determined enough to change, it will come soon. You will just be determined and patient to wait so that you could see the fruit of your own labor. It will be payed off.
Change does not need to be scheduled really. For example, you want to start changing yourself, tomorrow or in the New Year's Day. Why not start to change today? With just simple words and actions, you can do it. It is your stepping stone. Sometimes, scheduling yourself to change is you may either forget it or postpone it. That's what it is.
In the end, Change all-in-all is on the human characteristics. A person need to know thyself first and self-capacity to change. By knowing ourselves first closely, we could know what needs to be change in ourselves and try to know our capacity and limitations. In this way, we can make an everlasting change in ourselves and make it better day by day.
high school,
radical change
Saturday, August 22, 2009
University Run
A while ago, I joined the fun run of my school, Cebu Doctors' University in 3K category. The fun was held at the North Reclamation, Mandaue City and its starting point was at the school gate itself. Lots of people came and joined the said fun run. Among them were couple Cesar Montano and Sunshine Cruz. They joined the students as well as some people running.
When the marathon started, the first people who run were those who engage in 10K, followed by 5K and lastly the 3K runners which most students participate in. There are people during the marathon who were running but all were walking, and even calling the marathon to be walk-a-thon.
When the marathon started, the first people who run were those who engage in 10K, followed by 5K and lastly the 3K runners which most students participate in. There are people during the marathon who were running but all were walking, and even calling the marathon to be walk-a-thon.
Boys Over Flowers finale

I like all the characters even Jun Pyo's mom and Jae Kyung...
I hope that there will be Season 2 or whatsoever. What will happen to the F4? Is Jan Di and Jun Pyo have a child? Ji Hoo's new love? Is Gayle and Yi Jeong gonna be lovers? Woo Bin's more appearances as Mafia leader? Hmmm... well, i think there can't be season 2 since BOF came from mangas and it is finished...
Paradise - T-Max
Anyway, I hope that the F4 with Jan Di or even Gayle would come here in the Philippines eventhough Boys Over Flowers in already finished...
Lately, I have been listening a famous Korean song from a Korean girl band, Wondergirls. Wondergirls is a Korean girl band which debuted in 2007 with their song, Tell Me. Their new song and their first US Single debut, Nobody is an energetic and delightful song. Local radio sations in the Philippines aired the song as well as it is feature on some TV shows in the country. Teens sang this song and even do their dance moves at school parties. So, here's the lyrics of Nobody-Wondergirls:
You Know I still Love You Baby.
And it will never change.
I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
Nan dareun sarameun sirheo niga animyeon sirheo
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
Nan sirheunde wae nal mireonaeryeogo hani jakku naemareun deutji anko
Wae ireoke dareun namjaege nal bonaeryeo hani eotteoke ireoni
Nal wihae geureotan geumar
Neon bujokhadaneun geumar
Ijen geumanhae neon nareul aljanha wae wonhajido annneungeol gangyohae
I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You
Nan dareun sarameun sirheo niga animyeon sirheo
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You
Nan dareun sarameun sirheo niga animyeon sirheo
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
Nan joheunde nan haengbokhande neoman isseumyeon dwae deo baralge eomneunde
Nugul mannaseo haengbokharan geoya nan neol tteonaseo haengbokhal su eobseo
Nal wihae geureotan geumar
Neon bujokhadaneun geumar
Mari an doeneun mariran geol wae molla niga eobsi eotteoke haengbokhae
I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You
Nan dareun sarameun sirheo niga animyeon sirheo
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You
Nan dareun sarameun sirheo niga animyeon sirheo
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
I don't want nobody body body.I don't want nobody body
Naneun jeongmal niga animyeon niga animyeon sirtan mallya a~
I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You
Nan dareun sarameun sirheo niga animyeon sirheo
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You
Nan dareun sarameun sirheo niga animyeon sirheo
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
Back to the days when we were so young and wild and free
Modeunge neomuna kkumman gatatdeon geuttaero doragago sipeunde
Wae jakku nareul mireonaeryeo hae
Why do you push me away.
I don't want nobody nobody
Nobody nobody but you.
You Know I still Love You Baby.
And it will never change. (Saranghae)
I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
How can I be with another, I don't want any other
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
Why are you trying to, to make me leave ya
I know what you're thinking
Baby why aren't you listening
How can I just
Just love someone else and
Forget you completely
When I know you still love me
Telling me you're not good enough
My life with you is just too tough
You know it's not right so
Just stop and come back boy
How can this be
When we were meant to be
I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
How can I be with another, I don't want any other
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
How can I be with another, I don't want any other
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
Why can't we just, just be like this
Cause it's you that I need and nothing else until the end
Who else can ever make me feel the way I
I feel when I'm with you, no one will ever do
Telling me you're not good enough
My life with you is just too tough
You know me enough so
You know what I need boy
Right next to you is where I need to be.
I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
How can I be with another, I don't want any other
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
How can I be with another, I don't want any other
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
I don't want no body, body
I don't want no body, body
Honey you know it's you that I want, it's you that I need
Why can't you see~
I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
How can I be with another, I don't want any other
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody (2x)
Back to the days when we were so young and wild and free
Nothing else matters other than you and me
So tell me why can't it be
Please let me live my life my way
Why do you push me away
I don't want nobody nobody nobody nobody but you.
credits: lyricsmode.com
Wondergirls Official Website: http://www.wondergirlsworld.com/
(Their official website is so cool!!!)
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
This is my first time to have a blog... and this is my first time to post something in my blog so I entitled my first post as "Firsts". I don't know yet about blogging but I think I would know about it as I would write and write things often here. I am newbie in blogging really. I had read a lot about blogging and some blogs as well. I find it to be interesting so this is it!!! I make my own BLOG!
This is a new first thing in me, to have a blog. And this is called "FIRSTS" to me.
Truly, all of us do have made firsts in our lives, intentionally and unintentionally. We intentionally do it because we know that it can make us happier and be proud for ourselves. Some called it an "Achievement". And there are somethings that we don't intentionally do it because of the situation you are in. But then again, its still a firsts.
There are maybe firsts in our lives that we could still remember while some, we forget it. Do you remember your first day in school? Do you remember the first trip you made? And do you remember your first kiss?
And indeed, there are persons. Your first accompany at school, the first person or first persons who are with you in a trip or the first person whom you kiss with. How about, the first person you met, your first friend, first crush and popularly first love.
First things depends on the person and firsts things are anywhere around us, waiting to be explore. And all we have to do is to explore these things and cherish them always and value them so that we could be happier and full of energy in days to come.
This is a new first thing in me, to have a blog. And this is called "FIRSTS" to me.
Truly, all of us do have made firsts in our lives, intentionally and unintentionally. We intentionally do it because we know that it can make us happier and be proud for ourselves. Some called it an "Achievement". And there are somethings that we don't intentionally do it because of the situation you are in. But then again, its still a firsts.
There are maybe firsts in our lives that we could still remember while some, we forget it. Do you remember your first day in school? Do you remember the first trip you made? And do you remember your first kiss?
And indeed, there are persons. Your first accompany at school, the first person or first persons who are with you in a trip or the first person whom you kiss with. How about, the first person you met, your first friend, first crush and popularly first love.
First things depends on the person and firsts things are anywhere around us, waiting to be explore. And all we have to do is to explore these things and cherish them always and value them so that we could be happier and full of energy in days to come.
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