Friday, September 27, 2013

One Step Delayed Success

It's been a while since the last time I post something on my blog. Now, here I am, being back to something I was missing for, about 6 or 7 months. So, I would like to have this opportunity to share a little piece of my life.

These past 6 or 7 months has been quite a roller coaster ride for me. Ups and downs. I entered Fourth Year, First Semester of my course and once again,  I became a regular student with a full load. To make a long story short, I scorned through lots of exams these past months, case studies etc., all in the name, that after all of these things, I can finally wear a blue lab gown (meaning to be an intern) straight to graduation after having been delayed for a year. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make it, as one professor of mine, said to me that my grades are fluctuating. The consequence, though inconvenient, is that I need to wait for seven months to retake those subjects that were failed.

It sounds painful and even before I received my grades, it was really painful to fail. It was a kind of pain, much worse, than the first time I received a failing mark. Not to mention that waiting for seven months is tiring and a bit discouraging.

Above these failure though, I have learned some lessons. In the end of the day and in failure, you can always come home to your family, cry to your family and heal with your family. Having a family that supports you through bad times is a kind of refreshing and cheerful feeling. You can accept things that you cannot change easily because you know that you are not alone in this.

We always think that failure is the end of everything. But it is not. Failure is a one step, delayed success. The purpose of failure is not to let us down but rather, telling us that we are one step closer to success. It's just that maybe, it is not yet our time or maybe, there's something that needs to improve. I remember the story of Abraham Lincoln, one of America's beloved presidents. He had multiple failures in his life and career, 24 years to be exact, but he didn't give up. And you know, who he is?

Today, I am employed as a clerk. I read books during and after work, not the usual thing that I always do and it sparks interests in me from human relations to study techniques. Also, I have a new pet, a hamster, who was named as Mocha. 

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