Chemicals founds in a single cigarette |
Smoking causes several health effects. Smoking causes coronary heart disease, abdominal aortic aneurism and lung disease. Smoking also causes cancer. The cancer-causing agents (carcinogens) in tobacco smoke damage important genes that control the growth of cells, causing them to grow abnormally or to reproduce too rapidly. Some of the cancer caused by smoking are breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, throat cancer, mouth cancer and lung cancer.
According to statistics from the Philippine Global Adult Tobacco Survey, conducted in 2009, 17.3 million Filipinos aged 15 and above smoke, while 13.8 million of this are everyday smokers. Mostly, men are more engage in this vice than women. Daily cigarette smokers smoked on the averaged 10.6 cigarettes a day.
Again, according to statistics, but this time from the National Youth Commission, 2 out of 5 teens aged 13 to 15 years old smoked last year, with smoking prevalence among young Filipinos estimated at 38.2% or 2.25 million. The data is higher compared to the ones in 2007 and 2003. Young people who are not smoking are also exposed because of the second hand smoke either from their own homes where a family member smokes or in the community where smoking is prevalent.
There are several reasons why teens, even at their early age, has tried smoking. Peer pressure/influence was the main culprit why teens took up smoking. In order to belong to a group of friends, the teen must need to introduce himself to smoking cigarette. Another significant reasons is the environment. In a home where a family member or members smoke, it is no wonder that a teen would do the same thing; or in a community where the teen's neighbor are indulge in that habit. Negative mass media has something to do, in the forms of televisions shows, movies and even video games where characters and celebrities were seen smoking and portrayed cool to the extent as a "role model". This gives a message that smoking is cool or smoking can make one labelled as an adult. Lastly, the role of advertising has something to do with this trend. Small-time retailers such as sari-sari stores and street vendors which are very accessible to the public, are selling cigarettes to youth directly. These are usually sold per stick rather than per pack at P2 each.
Above: 90's anti-smoking of DOH - Yosi Kadiri Below: Graphic warning labels on cigarette packs |
Currently, House Bill 5727 or better known as Sin Tax Reform Bill was approved by the House Ways and Means committee . The bill aims to increase the prices of alcohol and cigarette from its current prices today. It proposes that, during the first year of legislation's implementation, a cigarette pack from its current price of P11.50 will be sold to P23.50. Meanwhile, tobacco products that are sold P11.50 will be sold for P31.80. The government expects to generate 33 billion pesos in revenue from both cigarette and alcoholic products.
Smoking is preventable! |
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