Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tween Hearts

What I am going to say is not about a teen-oriented show in the television nor the movie itself. However, the topic I'll raise up for today is about romantic relationship between tweens.

As you might not know, tween is a newly-called term for an age group that are "in between" kids and teens. In technicality, they are kids but their characteristics like how they dress and how they act, somewhat, similar to teens. Usually, being a tween starts 9 or 10 and ends at 14 or at the onset of puberty. In this age, children undergo developments in different aspects, notably, physical, emotional and psychological. They have develop their own sense of self and unique social needs and desires and identify their own interest.

Just like teens, though, tweens develop romantic interest in their peers or co-tweens and even other people such as celebrities and sports idol. It is here that "crushes" are in or infatuations perhaps. It is a normal thing, indeed since it is part of their development. However, there are some instances that some tweens got involve in romantic relationships. In an early age, some already tries dating and some, got their first boyfriend or girlfriend. But there are some tweens that got away over in romance. Late night, a 15-year old boy calls to a radio jock, just to share his romantic problems with his so-called girlfriend on the air. However, I was astounded to hear from the boy that he has already 36 girlfriends (I hope that he is assuming with those girls).

In scenarios of serious romantic relationships of tweens, definitely, parents are most concerned. The child may neglect his/her studies because of heart problems. Sometimes, it could restrain the relationship of the child to the parent. They may lose their interest since the focus of the child is the relationship. And for instances, serious romantic relationships could result to unexpected pregnancy.

At this stage, family involvement is the most important. The love and care of a family to a child cannot be compared. No matter how much worth is the laptop nor SLR camera is given, but if love and care is deprived then these things are worthless. It is up to the parent on how to guide their child since they are most knowledge on this topic better than child's peers.

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